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Ehya Darman Pishrafteh

احیا درمان پیشرفته

Summary Of Activity:

Advanced Resuscitation Company started working in 2013 and operates in the field of manufacturing and providing technical services of ICU ventilator equipment and anesthesia machine and became the representative of MEDEC Belgium in Iran.

In 1390, he obtained SKD and CKD licenses and permits for ventilator equipment and anesthesia machines at the factory of Mashhad’s Tos Industrial Town, and since then, he has started producing these equipments. This company was able to make significant progress in production and in 2013 made the production process of its devices independent. The product of this company was sent to the MEDEC company after being approved by the internal authorities and it was able to get the approval of that company and in the same year it received the independent production license of its devices.

After receiving domestic permits, Ihya Turman Advanced Company succeeded in obtaining the European CE standard for three of its devices.
According to the history of this company in the production of special care ventilator equipment and anesthesia machines, the company has taken further steps and in 2016, it succeeded in acquiring and transferring the production technology of CT Scan devices from Neusoft and in the same year, it obtained the license to assemble the device. 

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