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Negin Tejarat Pars

نگین تجارت پارس

Summary Of Activity:

Negin Holding Company is a specialized company in the field of medical equipment entering the market, whose goal is to provide professional and distinctive services to the country’s medical system and improve the quality of medical services in the field of heart and blood vessels. The mission of this company is to help improve the health of patients and improve the quality of medical services by providing quality and new medical equipment.

Negin Holding Company, having an expert team and considering scientific research and the needs of the treatment system, seeks to identify and import new quality medical equipment to the market. Taking advantage of the experience and expertise of its technical team, Negin Holding Company provides suitable and flexible solutions in the field of medical equipment entering the market.

Considering that the field of heart and brides is one of the fields that are considered in many countries due to the complexity and high efficiency of medical equipment, Negin Holding Company, using its experience and expertise, offers solutions to improve the state of the medical system in This area deals with In addition, this company provides after-sales services and support services to support hospitals and medical centers.

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